Saturday, November 2, 2013

Enclosure to Division Memorandum No. 185 s. 2013

Enclosure to Division Memorandum No.  185  s. 2013


Contest                                    :           TUNOG GAPO: KALAMPAGAN AT MUSIKAHAN
Level                                       :           Secondary Level
Date & Time of Competition   :           November 24, 2013, 1:00 PM onwards
Venue                                      :           Olongapo City Convention Center

Rules, Mechanics and Criteria of the Contest:
1.     The contest is open to all Secondary School students both public and private schools in the Division of Olongapo City. Proof of enrollment or the school identification ( ID ) card must be presented to the organizers.
2.     The objectives of the contest are as follows:
a.     to hone the youth’s interest and skills in musical and artistic performance; and
b.     to instill the value of recycling materials as a means to create music.
3.     Composition – Minimum of 10 members and maximum of 20 members.
4.     There should be one (1) entry per school only. Participants must submit the attached Registration Form on or before November 20, 2013 at the Division Office c/o Dr. Roland M. Fronda.
5.     Participating band members must play one (1) song on any of the following genres: pop, acoustic, or reggae music only  and one (1) song focused on the theme “Conservation and Environmental Awareness”.  Songs can be an original composition or own interpretation of an existing music. No adaptation is allowed (meaning altering the music or lyrics of an existing music). Lyrics of the songs to be performed must be submitted together with the Registration Form in three (3) copies and typewritten. 
6.     Part of the group should include vocalist/s to complete the ensemble.
7.     Instruments to be used must be made from RECYCLED MATERIALS which can be transformed to become or resemble wind, percussion or stringed instruments.
8.     Each Band will be allowed twelve (12) minutes total performance including ingress and egress.
9.     Absolutely NO songs that may offend any racial, sexual, or religious group will be allowed. Also, indecent or obscene body gestures will not be permitted. Any actions or lyrics determined to be indecent or obscene by the Board of Judges will result in the disqualification of the participants.
  1. Cash Prizes and trophies will be given to the following winners:
    1. One (1) Champion – P10,000.00
    2. One (1) 1st Runner-up P8,000.00
    3. One (1) 2nd Runner-up P5,000.00
    4. Honorable Mention (all non-winning groups) P3,000.00
11.  Criteria for Judging:
a.     Musicality ( Instrumentation and Orchestration )               40%
Includes: Harmony, Dynamic Nuances, Rhythm etc.
b.     Ingenuity and Originality of recycled materials                  20%
c.     Relevance to the theme                                                  20%
d.     Audience Impact                                                            10%
e.     Stage Deportment and Overall Impact                              10%
TOTAL                                                  100%
12.   The decision of the Board of Judges is Final

Contest                                    :           DRUM AND LYRE COMPETITION
Level                                       :           Elementary Level
Date & Time of Competition   :           December 16, 2013, 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN
Venue                                      :           East Tapinac Oval


  1.  Participants – open to all elementary schools both public and private in the Division of Olongapo  
City.  Proof of enrollment or the school identification ( ID) card of the must be presented to the organizers
  1. Composition – Minimum of 50 and maximum of 80 members including majorettes plus one (1) conductor.
  2. No Child Conductor is allowed.
  3. Repertoire:
    1. Contest Piece - Philippine Christmas Carol Medley with Marching and Exhibition
    2. Required Pieces - Medley of Philippine Folk Songs or Original Pilipino Music
  & Himno ng Lungsod ng Olongapo in Key of C
    1. Free Choice -  Any Piece of the contestants choice.
  1. Duration of Performance – Minimum of ten (10) minutes and maximum of fifteen (15) minutes for all the repertoire including ingress and egress. A green flag shall be raised to signal the start of the group for judging and time of performance. The last performer to exit shall signify the end of the performance time. A one deduction of (1) point for every one (1) minute will be given to performers for every exceeding time on the TOTAL TABULATED POINTS garnered by the contestant.
  2. Use of props and any manner of creative presentations are allowed.
  3. Use of fireworks and/or firecrackers is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
  4. Criteria for Judging:
    1. Tonal Quality                                                     30%
                                          i.    Uniqueness of Sound
                                         ii.    Orchestration
                                        iii.    Delivery
                                        iv.    Discipline
    1. Showmanship                                                    15%
                                          i.    Formation
                                         ii.    Variation of Steps
    1. Originality                                                          15%
                                          i.    Rhythm
                                         ii.    Dynamic Nuances
    1. Marching and Style                                             15%
    2. Uniform and Other Paraphernalia             15%
    3. Over-all sonority and Musicianship                       10%
TOTAL                          100%

  1. Cash Prizes and trophies will be given to the following winners:
    1. One (1) Champion – P30,000.00
    2. One (1) 1st Runner-up P25,000.00
    3. One (1) 2nd Runner-up P20,000.00
    4. One (1) 3rd Runner-up P 15,000.00
    5. Honorable Mention (all non-winning groups) P5,000.00
  2. Drum and Lyre Entry Forms should be submitted at the Division Office on or before December 9, 2013.
  3. The decision of the Board of Judges is Final

Contest                                    :           CHRISTMAS LANTERN / DECORS and DESIGN COMPETITIONS
Level                                       :           Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary
Date & Time of Competition   :           December 16, 2013, 1:00 PM onwards
Venue                                      :           East Tapinac Oval

General Rules:

  1. The contest is open to all pupils and students in the elementary, secondary and tertiary  level both public and private schools
  2. There will four (4) categories namely:
2.1          Search for Best Lantern – Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary levels
2.2          Most Symbolic Table Motif – Elementary and Secondary levels
2.3          Christmas Wall Décor – Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary levels
2.4          Christmas Tree Making – Secondary level and Tertiary Levels
  1. All entries shall be lined-up according to contest categories inside the  East Tapinac Oval.
  2. All contesting entries shall be brought inside the venue before the start of the contest proper.
  3. The committee and secretariat shall take charge of the arrangements of all entries per category.
  4. All entries will be properly labeled and numbered.
  5. Cash prizes and trophies will be given to the winning entries. Certificate of Participation will also be given to non-winning entries.
  6. All participating schools are expected to maintain the cleanliness of the venue before and after the competition.
  7. All winning entries shall become the property of the organizers.
  8. Prizes for Christmas Lantern, Decors and Design shall be as follows:
    1. 1st place            P3,000.00
    2. 2nd place            P2,500.00
    3. 3rd place            P2,000.00
    4. Consolation        P500.00 each
  9. The Decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL.

Specific Rules:

SEARCH FOR BEST LANTERN (Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels )

  1. The contest will be divided into to three (3) Levels. Level 1 for elementary, Level 2 for Secondary and Level 3 for tertiary / college
  2. The lantern shall be made of indigenous materials.
  3. For circular design, the size of the lantern shall be between 20” to 30” in diameter only. For other shapes, the size shall be between 20” to 30” width or depth or height.
  4. Provision for electrical lightings must be provided.
  5. Participating entries shall provide the Board of Judges itemized/estimated cost of production.
  6. All lanterns must be carried by maximum of two (2) persons only during the contest.
  7. Criteria for Judging
Creativity / Design                                 25%
Originality / Materials Used                     25%
Craftsmanship                                        25%
Adoptability/Replicability                         25%
                                    TOTAL            100%

MOST SYMBOLIC TABLE MOTIF ( Elementary and Secondary )

  1. The contest will be divided into to TWO (2) Levels. Level 1 for elementary and Level 2 for Secondary.
  2. Entries must depict the nativity scene and Christmas spirit.
  3. Table design must have a minimum base area of 12” X 12” and maximum of 16” X 16”.  Height should not exceed 16”.
  4. Automatic disqualification will be imposed to entries who will not follow the prescribed dimension of the table motif.
  5. Table motif shall be made of indigenous or recycled materials.
  6. Provision for electrical light must be provided.
  7. Criteria for Judging
Design                          40%
Materials                       30%
Workmanship                20%
Over-all Impact  10%
TOTAL                          100%

            CHRISTMAS WALL DÉCOR (Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary level)

  1. The contest is open to all elementary public and private schools in Olongapo City.
  2. The idea of Christmas Wall Décor competition is to make a “wall décor” intended for empty walls in order to create a festive mood during the Christmas season.
  3. Entries should serve as a beautiful Christmas wall decorations that will add holiday cheer to empty walls of rooms, houses or offices which may have limited spaces to hang lanterns.
  4. Entry should only have one-sided design.
  5. The wall décor could be circular or rectangular in shape.
  6. Circular design must have a minimum diameter of 18” X18” and maximum of 24”X24”. Rectangular design must have a minimum of 16” X 20” and maximum of
18” X 24”.
  1. Entries must use a combination of indigenous, recycled or any other available inexpensive materials.
  2. Criteria for Judging
Design                          30%
Materials                       30%
Workmanship                20%
Over-all Impact  20%
TOTAL                          100%

CHRISTMAS TREE MAKING CONTEST (Secondary and Tertiary Level)

  1. The contest is open to all secondary public and private schools in Olongapo City.
  2. Christmas tree must have a minimum height of four (4) feet and maximum of six (6) feet.
  3. Base must have a minimum diameter of 20” and maximum of 30”
  4. Christmas tree and its decorations must use a combination of indigenous, recycled or any other available inexpensive materials.
  1. Provision for electrical lightings must be provided.
  2. Participating entries shall provide the Board of Judges itemized/estimated cost of production.
  3.  Christmas trees must be carried by maximum of three (3) persons only during the contest.
  4. Criteria for Judging
Creativity / Design                                 25%
Originality / Materials Used                     25%
Craftsmanship                                        25%
Adoptability/Replicability                         25%
                                    TOTAL            100%

Contest                                    :           CITY SLOGAN MAKING CONTEST
Level                                       :           Open Category ( Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary)
Date & Time of Competition   :           November 24, 2013, 1:00 PM onwards
Venue                                      :           Olongapo City Convention Center

1.     The contest is open to all public and private elementary, secondary and tertiary schools in Olongapo City.
2.     Slogan entry is limited to one (1) per student only. They must be endorsed by their school heads/principals/college presidents.
3.     The main objective of the contest is to come up with a meaningful, fitting, and attention-getting word or phrase which will be used as Olongapo City slogan by the City Government for the people to internalize, and practice in line with the battlecry and advocacies of the present administration.
4.     Slogan must be written on a ¼ illustration board ( white side), using permanent markers ( any color ) and in landscape orientation.
5.     The slogan shall be written in English or Filipino.
6.     There is no particular word limit for slogan writing. However, neither it should be too short with 2 to 3 words nor too lengthy like a sentence.
7.     All winning entries shall become the property of the organizers.
8.     Prizes for City Slogan Making Contest shall be as follows:
a.     1st place      Php 5,000.00 and trophy/certificate
b.     2nd place      Php 3,000.00 and trophy/certificate
c.     3rd place      Pho 2,000.00 and trophy/certificate
9.     The slogan shall be judged based on the following criteria:
a.     Message      40%
b.     Originality    40%
c.     Impact        20%
TOTAL        100%
10. The Decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL.

Contest                                    :           CHEERDANCE
Level                                       :           Secondary and Tertiary
Date & Time of Competition   :           December 30, 2013, 5:00 PM onwards
Venue                                      :           Rizal Triangle

1.     The contest is open to all public and private secondary and tertiary schools in Olongapo City. Tertiary level participants must be enrolled in any undergraduate course in the college they are representing.
2.     All contestants must be duly endorsed by the school principal/college president.
3.     There should be one (1) entry per school only. Participants must submit the attached Registration Form on or before December 13, 2013 at the Division Office c/o Dr. Roland M. Fronda.
4.     The contests is divided into two (2) levels:
a.     Secondary
b.     Tertiary
5.     Each level will have a separate set of winners. They will receive cash prizes and certificate and trophies.
a.     1st place      Php 15,000.00
b.     2nd place      Php 10,000.00
c.     3rd place      Php 5,000.00
d.     Consolation Php 3,000.00
6.     Participating groups must submit a duly filled-out Registration Form with photocopies of school identification cards of cheer dancers.
7.     Each group must have a minimum of 25 members and a maximum of 40 members ( dancers, cheerer, lifters, flyers, spotters and props men)
8.     Participating groups must show coordination, spirit, gracefulness, flexibility and energy while doing the stunts, gymnastics and dance routine.
9.     The minimum length of performance is six (6) minutes and a maximum of  eight (8) minutes including entrance and exit. Time will start on the first move made by the team or from any participant. Every excess second will be given one (1) point deduction from the total score. One (1) minute preset will be given each team. After such, team’s time will automatically starts.
10.  The team should leave the floor immediately after their routine together with their props.
11.  Profanity and other inappropriate language are strictly prohibited. Automatic disqualification will be imposed upon violators.
12.  Music must not be longer than the time of performance. Audience participation is not required though encouraged.
13.  The use of drums and other instruments are allowed.
14.  Each team is required to assign one (1) official representative to coordinate and check the music/cds 30 minutes before the competition starts and assist the technical personnel throughout the entire performance.
15.  Only compatible file ( MP3 or WAV) formats recorded on compact discs are allowed in the competition. CDs must be submitted 30 minutes before the competition starts. Back up us highly encouraged.
16.  In the event performance is interrupted because of technical reasons caused by the event equipment, facilities, etc., the team shall be given the option to either resume their performance from where it stopped or repeat their entire performance. However, in the event the performance is interrupted because of failure of team’s own equipment supplies, tools, music, props, acts or any of the same kind, the team must either continue the performance or withdraw from the competition.
17.  In the event of minor injury, the team can continue either with or without the injured member. In the event of a major injury (immobility, unconsciousness, profuse bleeding ) the organizers and officials reserves the right to stop the performance and to provide proper medical attention. The team will be judged according to where the performance ended.  
18.  Wearable articles that may impede vision or deemed potentially injurious to the wearer or teams are not permitted.
19.  Any height increasing apparatus used to propel competitor is prohibited.
20.  Flags, banners, signs and pompoms are the only props allowed. Props with poles or similar support apparatus may not be used in conjunction with any kind of stunt or tumbling. All props must be safety discarded out of harms ( throwing a hand sign or banner across or behind the mat from a stunt would be illegal.
21.  Mascots are not permitted to use any props.
22.  For safety purposes, pyramid building and stunts will be allowed up to two levels only for the secondary levels and three levels for the tertiary level.
23.  Use of fireworks and/or firecrackers is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
24.  Criteria for Judging:
a.     Choreography, Showmanship and Execution               25%
b.     Timing, Synchronization,                                           25%
Fluidity of movement, Precision,
and Coordination     
c.     Difficulty, Creativity and Originality                            20%
d.     Costume and Props                                                  15%
e.     Audience and Visual Impact                                      15%
TOTAL                                                                    100%


I.            Group Profile
Name of School:                     __________________________________
Name of Band:                       __________________________________
Name of Coordinator/s:            __________________________________
Name of Trainer/s:                  __________________________________
Name of Conductor:                __________________________________
Name of Principal:                             __________________________________
Contact Number:                    __________________________________

II.          Repertoire:

Title of Song/s
Composer / Arranger

III.        Membership Profile

Name of Members
Year & Sec.
Name of Class Adviser
Signature of Class Adviser

We hereby certify that the above details are true and correct. If the organizer finds the details provided are erroneous or falsified, the group will automatically be disqualified.

**additional sheet if necessary
                                                            Prepared by:      _________________________________                                                                                                                      Coordinator



I.            Group Profile
Name of School:                     __________________________________
District:                                 __________________________________
Name of Coordinator/s:            __________________________________
Name of Trainer/s:                  __________________________________
Name of Conductor:                __________________________________
Name of Principal:                             __________________________________
Contact Number:                    __________________________________
II.          Repertoire:

Composer / Arranger
Contest Piece

Required Piece

Free Choice Piece

III.        Membership Profile

Name of Members
Grade & Sec.
Name of Class Adviser
Signature of Class Adviser

We hereby certify that the above details are true and correct. If the organizer finds the details provided are erroneous or falsified, the group will automatically be disqualified.

**additional sheet if necessary
                                                            Prepared by:      _________________________________                                                                                                                      Coordinator

                                                                                                             Public Schools District Supervisor

I.            Group Profile
Name of School:                     __________________________________
Name of Coordinator/s:            __________________________________
Name of Trainer/s:                  __________________________________
Name of Principal/President:      __________________________________
Contact Number:                    __________________________________

II.          Membership Profile

Name of Members
Grade & Sec.
Name of Class Adviser
Signature of Class Adviser

We hereby certify that the above details are true and correct. If the organizer finds the details provided are erroneous or falsified, the group will automatically be disqualified.

**additional sheet if necessary
                                                            Prepared by:      _________________________________                                                                                                                      Coordinator

                                       Principal / President